Travel This Summer to Elite Basketball Camps in the USA
Get trained by the top Basketball trainers in the United States
“ Since 1991, my European travel company has been bringing student athletes to Hoop Mountain USA. We would never think about bringing the campers anywhere else. My campers learn so much about basketball from the U.S coaches.” Angel Manazano 2020 International Travel, Interway, Madrid Spain
Experience the International Basketball Tour of a Lifetime
Attend the Elite Hoop Mountain USA Basketball Summer Camps
Visit Harvard, M.I.T, and Brown University
Attend Hoops With Hart Basketball Camp
Visit Prep Schools such as Phillips Andover Academy and the Groton School.
“Due to attending Hoop Mountain summer camp in the USA in July 2018 and attending for six years at Hoop Mountain Kuwait, I am now playing basketball at a prominent USA prep school and working on playing college basketball in the USA.”RUSSELL WESTBROOK
“I have been working with Rob since college and he has made my transition from college to the NBA very smooth. His detailed, intense, and unique workouts push me to achieve my goals. I have improved every year since I have worked with Rob and will continue to train with him every year."
Watch Derick Rose's MVP acceptance speech 2011